Tailored 1-2-1 Coaching

Step onto the path to football greatness with our 1-on-1 coaching program! We’re here to boost not only your football skills but also your confidence on and off the pitch.

1 to 1 Football Coaching

Step onto the path to football greatness with our 1-on-1 coaching program! We’re here to boost not only your child’s football skills but also their confidence on and off the pitch. We’ve got a fantastic team of coaches, each with their own unique style, and we’ll make sure to find the perfect fit for your child. We’ve got a proven curriculum tailored to different ages, ensuring your child gets the right foundation. It’s not just about becoming a better player; it’s about growing their confidence and unlocking their full potential.

100+ 5 Star Reviews

120+ Players Per Week

Positive Learning Environment

How does it Work?

Step 1: Get in touch with our team, to see how our 1-2-1 sessions will benefit your child

Step 2: Book your trial session, to come down and experience the JCR way! Meet the team and go through an introductory session with one of our coaches

Step 3: Have your session with one of our coaches, where they will give you feedback on how your child has done, and areas they can develop

Step 4: Receive a follow up call from our team, to help you with booking further sessisons

Step 5: Choose how you would like to attend our sessions, whether weekly, bi-weekly or ad-hoc

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Fantastic initial 121 session!! My Son was very happy to have learnt new skills. Will definitely be booking regular future sessions to continue his development.
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Excellent sessions put on by all the coaching staff fun technical and pushes the players to be better player
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Thomas is loving the 1 to 1 sessions, the coaches have been brilliant with him and have provided constructive and knowledgeable feedback. Would highly recommend 👌🏼
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Really good coaching My son was already attending but I trialled my daughter 7 too she loved it they both came off tired because they’d worked hard but also loved it !
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Our son absolutely adores his 1-2-1 sessions with Jcr, all the coaches give their all to each session and are all invested in every child’s development. I cannot praise the team enough and would recommend them to anyone thinking of getting sessions
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Thank you James and the team, absolutely amazing quality training, you’ve improved my boy’s game massively during the last year, he’ll keep coming, thank you so much for your passion to football!